Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Another year
Isaya presenting at extension. Always an excellent substitute - and good speaker!
Kaileigh downloading data at Snapper Creek. Kaileigh was part of the NSF REU last summer and will graduate from Purdue in 2012.
Tina and the mosquitoes at C111 - don't worry she gets the data no matter what!
Teresa and I helping Isaya in C111. I miss my Brazilian friend!
And, let's not forget the water quality conference! Aime saved my life this year.
And, a big thanks to Mike who helps make us look good on the web and in film! Not to mention collect great research data!
Looking forward to an even better 2012!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Cultural interlude: two Spanish-language videos!
In with the new
When we first visited this property, all the tell-tale signs of inefficient water-use were present and accounted for:
...mechanical irrigation timer with indexing valve
...high-volume spray heads in excess - overwatering from the turf into the street and dousing established trees and shrubs in shaded areas.
Soon after our visit, the proactive homeowner took matters into his own hands and addressed all aspects of his system to increase efficiency:
Outfitted with a classic mechanical/digital hybrid timer when initially assessed, with high-volume spray heads watering both turf and hedges, it also acted upon our recommendations to improve efficiency and reduce water-use.
Monday, December 5, 2011
New video online: Research and development!
Solid research into the water savings potential of both soil water sensors and weather-based timers is not only why these devices are now available on the mass market, but also why we suggest property managers and homeowners implement them into their inefficient irrigation regimes.
...Water Resource Tech Michael Gutierrez touching very briefly upon the Landscape Irrigation Project he has been working on since 2007...
View the video here.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
New WUEP research sites online! – Part 2 of 2
Coral Gables (South)
When the UCU assessed this homeowner property in early summer for the irrigation rebate program, I made a solemn vow to move mountains to convince the owner to participate in the research. Why? In short, it is the research equivalent of prêt-a-porter – two zone digital irrigation system on city water! Further, the digital timer on the property is the same brand/model as the smart timer under study, so the retrofit would simply involve switching face plates and mounting the on-site weather station!
In September when the owner finally agreed, we moved on retrofitting the system. The only caveat was that, unlike any of the other properties recruited this summer, the owner chose the soil water sensor (SWS) technology over the weather-based timer!
The equipment worked like a charm for us and once both valves were located the water meter installation began.
Spray head in a rotor zone: Removed!
Coral Gables (North)
We installed a backflow device to safeguard the potable water lines (despite having irrigation tied to their water main, many South Florida properties do not include this detail).
Smart = no mess, no fuss!
Summer’s summary