Thursday, July 8, 2010

C-111 project

The C-111 projected was officially kicked off on June 24 2010 and work has already started. We are all excited about this project. The project involves assessing the impact of raising stage in canal C-111 on soil water dynamics and changes in groundwater table elevation in farmlands adjacent to the eastern boundary of the Everglades National Park commonly known as the Redlands. On the side is a picture showing depth to the bedrock from our field trip yesterday (July-07-2010).

The picture below shows collection of an undisturbed soil sample at site A1K. Soil samples collected from this site will be used in the laboratory determination of soil water characteristic curve for Krome soil.

Below is a collection of an undisturbed soil sample from A1K on July 07 2010.

Soil samples covered with cheese cloth ready for transportation to the laboratory.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Isaya! And thanks to Kevin for helping out!
