Friday, April 26, 2013

April 4th Irrigation Symposium

On April 4th we had a wonderful extension event in Broward on irrigation. The event was meant to involve multiple counties and showcase new technology. Our goal was to provide the latest information, interaction with vendors, a panel of success stories, and some background on why conservation is so important. Here is an awesome video Michael Gutierrez developed on the event.

 We are planning another event in October in Palm Beach! More info to come on this event!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kati! I'm glad I was able to attend this event, and in a work capacity - though I wasn't going to miss it either way.
    I was pleased to see that all the effort you and the organizing committee put in paid off in a successful gathering.
    The UCU and I are already compiling new clips to help promote the next one!
    See my symposium post here.
