The morning began with a system retrofit. The homeowner took the first steps by self-installing the soil water sensor system. We added electric valves, a anti-siphon valve to safeguard the potable lines, and water meters to monitor water use for each of the two zones.
Once finished, we moved to the second property. The system there is digital with electric zone valves already in place. We connected the add-on soil water sensor to the timer and installed a water meter on the two experimental zones.
I'll be monitoring these water meters to confirm the water savings potential of soil water sensors in urban landscape irrigation.
* A special note of thanks to Tina and Milagros for working together to ferry over the meters pictured above to the second site. I failed to anticipate the fact that pipe diameters sometimes change from valve box to field and they had my back. Go team!
Great job Milagros and Tina - coming to Mike's rescue! Too bad there isn't a picture of them saving the day!