Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Water Quality Professional Training Course

Drs. Migliaccio and Li have put together a distance education opportunity for UF and non-UF affiliates. This program is based on a week-long course that was held in 2011 but can be experienced now - at your convenience - through the UF distance education sakai interface. More information is available at:

The most amazing thing about this course is that it is free of charge for UF students, faculty, and staff! Others must pay a $300 fee, but it is well worth the cost!! 

Those who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate.

The course is based somewhat on the book Water Quality Concepts, Sampling, and Analyses by Drs. Li and Migliaccio. Special thanks to Dr. Michael Dukes and the Dean of Research for helping fund this adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Great info, Kati! This course is a bargain for UF-affiliated students and professionals. And the material is both topical and presented by leading experts.
    And, as mentioned above, you can also supplement the information (for a nominal fee) with a handsome book!
