Their time in town included several stops. First, since the REU program’s focus is on water resources, the students learned of several relevant projects in the Water Resource Engineering and Soil Science programs here at TREC from Dr. Kati Migliaccio, PhD candidate Isaya Kisekka, and Dr. Yuncong Li respectively.
Costa Farms
The students then visited Costa Farms, a large area nursery, to learn about how water resource technology is applied in a successful commercial operation.
Jorge Bernal, et al. were kind enough to lead informative tours of the nursery’s different departments.
Miami-Dade Extension
Following lunch in downtown Homestead, the students stopped at Miami-Dade Extension for a brief introduction to the Extension concept courtesy of agent Mary McCready, who drove home the message that a viable Extension Service is essential to linking academic research and expertise with the local community.
The REU students' Homestead visit closed with a stop at the C-111 canal.
Once again, Dr. Migliaccio and Isaya briefed the students on the significance of the location with respect to SFWMD’s work there and how Isaya’s research near the C-111 relates to that work.
Cruelest month: August
With roughly two weeks left in the REU program, students in the various study sites around the state are buckling down and putting the final touches on their projects.
With roughly two weeks left in the REU program, students in the various study sites around the state are buckling down and putting the final touches on their projects.
Kaileigh, gracing the Water Resource team since early June, has been the very picture of contented industry with her project reconciling Snapper Creek site data. Stay tuned for her exit presentation and video!
Wow! We have done so much! This has been a great summer - the NSF REU program is a wonderful experience for students! If you are reading this and are an undergraduate - please consider participating in this program - somewhere! And remember - these students are top notch so be ready for competition!