Monday, March 21, 2011

Water Quality Course 2011 (revisited)

From February 21 – 25, UF/IFAS TREC in Homestead, FL, hosted the 2011 Water Quality Course (WQC).

Meeting of minds

Over five days, leading scientists and experts from state and federal academic and regulatory bodies (UF, SFWMD, NOAA, USGS & USDA ARS) presented on various topics related to water quality monitoring program planning, conducting and evaluating.


Formal presentations were supplemented with hands-on activities. Field and equipment experts demonstrated cutting-edge technology employed in both water sampling and water sample analysis.

On-location learning

Given TREC’s location amidst the water quality monitoring mecca that is South Florida, undoubtedly the WQC included site visits to key places of interest for instruction, demonstrations, and recreation.

Looking ahead

The WQC concluded with break-out groups convened to explore possible future research collaboration opportunities among course participants.

Something else to look forward to from these five days in Homestead: the video work generated by the UF documentation team present during the entire course.


This year’s Water Quality Course was an unqualified success. In addition to all the participants’ interest and enthusiasm, this was largely due to the efforts of TREC’s Water Resource and Soil Science teams, who worked tirelessly in the preceding weeks to provide the infrastructure for all course events (and who also captured the images featured in this post).

1 comment:

  1. Terrific job Mike - like always. Everyone really put a lot of effort into this week. Thanks to you all who did this!
