Thursday, August 19, 2010

Before installation? Configuration!

In preparation for the next step in the C111 project, the EnviroScan soil water content probes were calibrated this week. Next week, two of these probes will be installed at each of the six C111 project study sites (adjacent to the groundwater wells).

The configuration process

Configuring the soil water content probes consists of establishing, for each indiviual sensor:
-high and low points
-depth in the ground
-poistion on the probe
-sampling interval
The final step is naming the specific probe based on study necessity.

Below are pictured all the tools for successful configuration of these particular probes (Solo).

1. a laptop with configuration software installed
2. a configuration USB cable (allows laptop and probe to communicate)
3. a probe head unit (to power the probe)
4. a probe access tube (for air readings)
5. a water-filled container bisected by an access tube (for water readings)

Let's begin

For configuration to begin, the probe is connected to the head unit (for power) and the USB cable (to communicate with the laptop).

Once communication is achieved, the probe is then inserted into the access tube. The tube is then held in the air and each sensor is read individually to establish the high point reading.

For the low point reading, the probe is inserted into the access tube bisecting the water-filled container. When read, the sensor in question should be approximately in the center of the underwater access tube.

Following the high/low points, sensor depth is assigned and the sampling interval is established. The final step is naming the probe, synchronizing the date and time, and writing all this information to the probe.

Next stop, installation!


  1. Nice job Mike! I greatly appreciate your skills! Can't wait to see these in action.

  2. Good job Mike, the pictures are very nice and the blog is easy to follow.
